Staying Organized In A Disorganized World

Something you probably don’t know about me:
I can’t stand being disorganized.

Something you might not know about about the writing process:
It is, at the very core, a messy endeavor.

I always start out the same way – with a beautifully empty project folder and a brand new, blank Scrivener file. For the first few hours (sometimes days), things go swimmingly. I have all of my research in themed folders, my images and documents are perfectly labeled, and all of my plot ideas are in one easy to browse spreadsheet.

Somewhere into week two all Hell breaks loose.

photo credit: greg westfall. via photopin cc

photo credit: greg westfall. via photopin cc

Images, maps and documents start accidentally saving into my ‘Downloads’ folder instead of my ‘Research bible’ folder. My plot ideas end up in random .txt files or OpenOffice folders that I can’t manage to track down once I (accidentally) close them. My Scrivener label tab is filled with 65 arbitrary label colors and I’m out of different shades to use. I have several drafts of character profiles, but I can’t find the most current version (that just happens to be a 180 degree shift from the last version), and I know I made some note, some where about this wonderful plot thread – only I have no idea where it is and I can’t remember what it said.

This is the point where I want to tear my hair out – and also the point where I have to organize my life.
I’m at that point. Right now, as I’m typing this.
(I’m also a goddess of procrastination in my spare time).

Anyway. I’m about to try to get organized – everything has a place, and before camp starts, everything will be in said place.

That being said: Who out there has a good system for staying organized? What are your tips for either organizing the clutter or keeping it organized once you get it that way?

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