Drowning Out The World

The world we live in is a distracting place.

photo credit: Lisa Brewster via photopin cc

photo credit: Lisa Brewster via photopin cc

At any given moment, there are sirens screaming, neighbors fighting (loudly, obnoxiously – about the exact same things they fight about every single day), dogs howling. Phones are ringing off the hook, texts are coming in at a mile a minute – and are usually followed by an unexpected knock at the door.

And by the time that’s over, you’re so annoyed you just want to turn the world off.

But – bathrooms have to be cleaned. Dishes and windows have to be washed. Floors have to be mopped. Animals need to be fed, bathed, cuddled – and then pet hair needs to be vacuumed off every surface in the house.

And by the time the noises are drowned out and a mile-long ‘need-to’ list is completed – the exhaustion sets in and the bed is screaming for your attention (and reminding you that you forgot to wash the sheets).

And sometimes the real world drowns out your story.

You get in fights with your friends. You get in fights with your family. You’re lonely, sad, angry, happy, busy. And you don’t make time to write – or you can’t get in the mood to write.

How do you get back in the groove? That place of excitement where the story just starts to flow from your fingertips like it used to? How do you block everything out when you’re in the middle of one of those miserable days?